dreamwidth livejournal

ljarchive - the new blog in LiveJournal. With the recent decisions and actions taken by LiveJournal's owners, many people are migrating their personal blogs to Dreamwidth, a "LiveJournal-like" blog that uses a very similar interface and can import existing LJ posts, comments, and settings to make the transition easier.. There should be new interesting records soon. Dreamwidth is in the process of enabling community imports. There be slash here. Dreamwidth relocation. I FEEL JUDGED BY DREAMWIDTH! The <lj-cut> tag does not work in comments. - 6 months for DOCs. Back then, most people were building web sites for desktop PCs, on 15" CRTs that ran 1024x768 if you were lucky, and we had no idea what it meant to make something accessible. I think that the goal of the current Russian escalation is forcing Ukraine (or making the US/EU force Ukraine) to execute Minsk agreements. crapulous.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. I'm not usually an early adopter of these things, but… Intro Post Currently, the DreamWidth platform is still suffering from credential stuffing attacks using old LiveJournal credentials, but the company is rolling out updates. - If you want to post or comment on the new community, feel free! Or, well, most of us didn't. If you get any failure message in your inbox, wait half an hour and try again." If you currently use Flexible Squares s2flexisquares or another older s2 theme as the base under your layout and like it/like the features it offers, do not switch to a different theme ever! Cross-posting to LiveJournal works like a dream! Date range limitations: - 1 year for PDF. Old s2 styles were dicontinued and you can't choose them anymore. There might be an easy way to import from Dreamwidth, but decided to go straight to the source. Looking at my friends who used to post… Then claim their OpenID (URL = theirljusername.livejournal.com). Okay, so a lot of people who've held out on LiveJournal for a long time are now making a move to Dreamwidth due to the recent ToS changes. But I went through a few pages to approve my openID, then set up an account with an invite code from lanna_kitty, which took a whole bunch of pages, then I COULD NOT FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIND FRIENDS, then finally made my way back to the post I was trying… Paolucci worked there as a community manager, and . A significant number of Dreamwidth patches have been taken up by LiveJournal. Click here to go to OfficialSimSecret on DreamWidth. Well, Dreamwidth recently announced that starting next week, they will have COMMUNITY IMPORTING. I'm in the process of going through those entries and putting them in the LiveJournal category. This index exists to make it easier for people to find things, but you may still need to join a community or be friended by a user to . Sometime in January, it looks like LiveJournal blocked all third-party access to LiveJournal, ending the ability of Dreamwidth to crosspost here. And. Due to LiveJournal's new ban on all anonymous posting we've moved all comments and secret Submissions to DreamWidth. There should be new interesting records soon. migmit.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. H: We'll take our sweet time, my dear. Your 2021 in LJ; Communities; RSS Reader; Shop; Login H: I'll be there on your side. Switching to Dreamwidth. ljarchive - the new blog in LiveJournal. Up | Next There should be new interesting records soon. We used this system to help control our growth. There should be new interesting records soon. Dreamwidth is a journaling service like LiveJournal in many ways, except with a slightly different corporate philosophy and much smaller. Or, well, most of us didn't. Okay, given that most members have left LiveJournal already, this community is relocating to doomfans on Dreamwidth. I am migrating my blog to Dreamwidth. nav-gato.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. G: It's so hard to leave, we're so cozy and warm. vexed-wench.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. This year is a little different in that we're running the community from Dreamwidth instead of LiveJournal. OK, so it's not actually that much like LiveJournal "under the hood," but it works pretty much similarly from the user's perspective. However, the risk is not limited . x-posted to all of the LJ comms I maintain, so apologies if you see this multiple times on your flist. For most of that time, Dreamwidth was able to crosspost to LiveJournal, so this feed continued to update. I've tried with my password and with an API key, and neither works. Dreamwidth is an online journal service based on the LiveJournal codebase, according to Wikipedia — "a code fork of the original service, set up by ex-LiveJournal staff Denise Paolucci and Mark Smith, born out of a desire for a new community based on open access, transparency, freedom and respect." "I discovered, about an hour ago, that all of my posts on Facebook which were links to . Я там, как и здесь, mongwu. Some fields are required for making your BlogBook. Migrating to Dreamwidth. Once the option becomes available, we will import this comm to Lucifen at Dreamwidth. Currently, the Russian strike group looks much more real than they did in the spring. Because we've got due South Seekrit Santa on our minds! All existing entries and… Imzy community. From a military point of view, they are indeed ready to strike. Unfortunately, I've moved my journal to DreamWidth, and I can't even add that on the Add New Mirror page. I think that's mainly due to competition from other social networks: I make short posts on Facebook or Twitter, and only use LJ for longer ramblings. LiveJournal vs Dreamwidth? I'm not usually an early adopter of these things, but… Intro Post mific.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. And more accessible. If some of your icons are inactive and you want to bring them to Dreamwidth, you will need to either renew your paid account/icon package on LJ and then import, or buy a paid account on Dreamwidth ($3 = 1 month) and upload the remainder of your icons manually. Just a heads-up that doomfans now has a sister community on Imzy at /doomfans! Markdown based Livejournal.com / Dreamwidth.org client. Dreamwidth announcement. So, there's this group that is making troubles for Dreamwidth and the answer that Denise gave when people offered help was that people should show their support by posting on Dreamwidth in their journals and in communities- make the place active and growing. ramblerID ; We will log you in after post ; We will log you in after post ; We will log you in after post ; We will log you in after post ; We will log you in after post ×. Btw, I'm not planning on leaving LJ, just thinking that I'd like to start using the other… G: The gossip stories won't be denied. The <lj-cut> does not work (the text can be . Dreamwidth said then that it did not believe that its own site was the source of the data breach which fuelled the emails, and declined to name the site in question "because they haven't made a public announcement confirming the breach." Yesterday, however, Dreamwidth publicly named LiveJournal as the likely source of the hacked data . There should be new interesting records soon. An anonymous commenter on LJ has requested three arias: this one, "Poveri Fiori" from Cilea's Adriana Lecouvreur and Amelia's aria in the graveyard from Un Ballo in Maschera.Here is "Pace, pace, mio Dio!" from Verdi's opera La Forza del Destino; the others will follow at some point. Any ideas? Okay, given that most members have left LiveJournal already, this community is relocating to doomfans on Dreamwidth. You'd lose it for good. See this page for an example. I am on Dreamwidth now and will cross post for the foreseeable future. Not too long ago I created a We Are The Fallen Dreamwidth Community because of all of the crap LJ was going through. You need to be a community member to post (membership is moderated as before) but any registered account can comment - this includes OpenID accounts, if you don't want to sign up with Dreamwidth. Thanks to everyone who made this community so great over the years. It would be elegant to wait until March 20 which would have completed 20 years here at Live Journal. kotopes.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. We will still be posting new weekly updates here as well, however. There should be new interesting records soon. ljarchive - the new blog in LiveJournal. polina_edmunds - the new blog in LiveJournal. There should be new interesting records soon. As you surely have noticed already, lj changed its TOS, which causes a lot of people to break down the tents and go search for a new home. brad et al's decision to build LiveJournal code as open source and let folks access the platform as an API helped content and connections formed on the site survive negative decisions made by the folks who would later lead the company. Do not switch away from your theme if you like it. Defense against future management is a practice that deserves . ljarchive - the new blog in LiveJournal. borisk.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. Despairing, Leonora has retired to a life of prayer in a remote place. I'm still waiting for the comments to import again, but a lot of the conversation on my posts has moved to . This entry was originally posted at http://audraveen.dreamwidth.org/2141.html . dreamwidth - the new blog in LiveJournal. Although we post announcements here intermittently and link back to the Dreamwidth community all content is posted at Dreamwidth. I have far fewer entries on Dreamwidth, so at worst I'll be copying them and creating them manually. Find more. Dreamwidth was started over a decade ago, and was based on LiveJournal which is over two decades old at this point. Flexible Squares. Dreamwidth is unique in the contributions they make to not only their own branch of the code fork they have created, but to the parent LiveJournal open source project itself. Unfortunately, Dreamwidth lacks some features of LiveJournal, including direct Twitter integration. This is an index containing links to anything Sexy Zone related, including TV shows, movies, radio shows and magazines (both raw and subbed) and is backed up on Dreamwidth.Please follow the link to access the material. bondo.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. G: My mother will be getting worried. Dreamwidth relocation. Switching to Dreamwidth. I'm going to post on both accounts for a transition period. There should be new interesting records soon. Платформа Dreamwidth оказалась просто таки старым добрым ЖЖ, без политики СУПа по заработку на рекламе в текстах блогеров, именно то, на что подписывалось большинство из нас, заводя блог в LiveJournal. Importing your journal won't happen instantly. Dreamwidth Studios is a home and a community for all kinds of creative folk. Just a heads-up that doomfans now has a sister community on Imzy at /doomfans! I can recognize it doing this because of my mirrored journal over at Dreamwidth where this behavior doesn't occur if I make an archive of it using the program LJArchive. You can find it here: spn_on_parade | Recent Entries (dreamwidth.org) I'd like to think Mini Dean is grateful. The <lj-cut> works (the part of the text is hidden): on your journal page, on friends pages, on the second and following pages of comments to the entry and on the Day view pages of your journal. With all this talk about Livejournal-ageddon, I'm just posting to let you all know that our mini-community is all safely backed up at Dreamwidth. There should be new interesting records soon. As More LJ Old-Timers Migrate to Dreamwidth…. cl-journal is a file-based command line client for Livejournal.com blogging service and it's compatible clones like Dreamwidth.org. I've had a Dreamwidth for years, ever since the initial migration, and I've always kept it updated with content from my Livejournal just it case. Your dates have been adjusted! Well to clarify, Tumblr is a content aggregation site, not a content creation site. But . Cyn. [Update] Moving from Livejournal to Dreamwidth Dear community members, This is a first notice, just to keep you updated about some things regarding the community. If you're coming from LiveJournal to Dreamwidth: Creating an Account Previously, creating a Dreamwidth account required you to have an invite code from someone else. Недавно я появился ещё и в telegram, и там я lattifudo. Share your writing, your artwork, or your innermost thoughts. I created my LiveJournal account 15 years ago (in April 2002), and it's a lot quieter now than it used to be. Some of them are quiet little things only seen in the code-firehose of changelog. There should be new interesting records soon. LiveJournal. 20 freakin' years. There should be new interesting records soon. Furthermore, we backed up the entire community, comments and all, to Dreamwidth when we made the switch. Платформа Dreamwidth оказалась просто таки старым добрым ЖЖ, без политики СУПа по заработку на рекламе в текстах блогеров, именно то, на что подписывалось большинство из нас, заводя блог в LiveJournal. Reblogging for any of my fellow Livejournal olds in the audience! <lj-cut> An <lj-cut> allows you to hide all or part of your entry behind a link. So start thinking about how to give Dief the last donut how you want to spend the 2017 holiday season with Diefenbaker, Frannie, Benton, both Rays, and the whole cast of characters! Every post is simply yet another markdown file with some fields on the top. Close. "Reminder because we're seeing an uptick in interest in importing from LiveJournal: your import may or may not work at any given time due to LJ intermittently blocking us. In light of the ongoing changes and issues on LJ, we will be taking advantage of this opportunity. I can recognize it doing this because of my mirrored journal over at Dreamwidth where this behavior doesn't occur if I make an archive of it using the program LJArchive. (@technomom) 2 hours, 12 minutes ago. There should be new interesting records soon. Find others who create the sort of things you like to enjoy. I'm moving to Dreamwidth . Can't add DreamWidth journal. There should be new interesting records soon. You can also reach the Importer from the "Organize" menu on any of the site-schemed pages, where it can be found under "Import Content". G: Just look at that snow. Dreamwidth began as a side project after Paolucci and her cofounder Mark Smith felt that LiveJournal, their former employer, had lost its way. With the recent decisions and actions taken by LiveJournal's owners, many people are migrating their personal blogs to Dreamwidth, a "LiveJournal-like" blog that uses a very similar interface and can import existing LJ posts, comments, and settings to make the transition easier.. Dreamwidth is a Livejournal code fork and like Livejournal it is an old social networking blog. H: Let's give her a call, yeah. I never left during the mass exoduses around TOS changes because while . If you're coming from LiveJournal to Dreamwidth: Importing 2) First, log into your spiffy new Dreamwidth account or the following link won't work properly.3) To import your journal from LiveJournal, go to the Import Journal page. How is that different from Tumblr? I've finally created a Dreamwidth . H: I'll drive so careful through that storm. This has always been a small comm and I'm not sure how many of the original membership are still here lurking or have already left the site, so, a question for the remainder: would . If you're still only on LiveJournal, I encourage you to get a Dreamwidth account. There should be new interesting records soon. There should be new interesting records soon. Subscribe Secrets Post #706 There should be new interesting records soon. I resisted before because there were still active LJ communities here for SPN, but those days seem to be over now. Over the years, Livejournal has become more commercial and has been less associated with my community values. Been wondering for a while whether or not I should resurrect my old Dreamwidth journal. I have a lot of fond memories of Livejournal over the years, and miss the world of blogging that was. Dreamwidth was started over a decade ago, and was based on LiveJournal which is over two decades old at this point. Free Plan - Restrictions. crapulous.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. ircicq.dreamwidth.org - the new blog in LiveJournal. This is a sticky note for the community noting that we are permanently at Dreamwidth now. FAQ: (credit to xdawnfirex at ncis_fic . Back then, most people were building web sites for desktop PCs, on 15" CRTs that ran 1024x768 if you were lucky, and we had no idea what it meant to make something accessible. There should be new interesting records soon. There should be new interesting records soon. I've had a Dreamwidth for years, ever since the initial migration, and I've always kept it updated with content from my Livejournal just it case. Asking for NATO pullout of Bulgaria, Romania, and neither works at Live journal would be elegant wait. Judged by Dreamwidth wait until March 20 which would have completed 20 years here at journal! Https: //ext-5079594.livejournal.com/ '' > Dreamwidth: _profiterole_ — LiveJournal < /a > mific.dreamwidth.org - the blog! 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